Progression in writing
Online self-paced course.
Provide colleagues with phase specific writing training. Ensure teachers have the expertise they need to pitch writing correctly and secure progression in writing. The whole school can access training at the same time, or teachers can access the training at a point in time that is right for them or their phase. Using an online training programme with videos, worksheets, think pieces and classroom resources is an ideal way to provide targeted CPD.
Securing progress in writing series : a focus on information texts.
This writing training will help teachers to plan and design lessons that secure progression in non-fiction information texts, explanation texts and non-chronological reports.

It is hard to provide writing CPD for colleagues all in the same room at the same time. The needs of the EYFS teacher are very different to those of the Year 6 teacher! Why not offer access to online training - colleagues can complete the training individually or in teams. The writing training can be completed by the whole school on the same training day / set of twilights, or training can be undertaken by a single phase, e.g. a morning release.

There are video tutorials that you can watch individually or together in teams.
The writing CPD course is menu driven. This allows you to jump to the materials for any phase or any tutorial within the phase specific course. You can work at your own pace. You can return to the materials again and again. You can access materials for all phases at any time.

There is a printable advice and guidance booklet on teaching information text writing for each phase. These include suggestions for activities, guidance on how to secure progression, advice on tackling difficulties and common problems, sentence structures matched to the phase. The guidance is based on solid research, classroom experience and the writing of real pupils. You can see examples of how pupils have planned writing. You can see examples of finished pieces of writing.

Throughout the course there are examples of assessed writing and annotated exemplification materials. This helps teachers to consider how to move pupils from their current position to the desired standard. The more teachers know and understand the standards - the better placed they are for designing lessons that help pupils to achieve those standards. In addition, colleagues can access resources and advice from any phase, so if there are children experiencing difficulties you can track back to advice from the previous key stage.

"It was also good to see real life examples of pupil work." In addition to standardisation materials, teachers can also see examples of work produced by real pupils.

Ideas for lessons and suggestions for activities are contained throughout the course.

Whilst it is not possible to provide fully resources lessons, there are plenty of resources to aid implementation throughout the course.

In addition to the professional development elements, there are also handy classroom resources. There are sentence level progression documents for every phase. The resources support teachers in considering what new learning is needed at sentence level and what sentence level work needs to be revised. There are ideas as to how to develop and practice sentences.

Your school can be invoiced for access. Joining the course is easy. Ideally, the English leader accesses the training first (so they are well placed to advise colleagues how to get the most from the course). Then, when the English leader is ready, then send the link to colleagues to join - and they can complete the course either individually or in teams. To make it easy for the course to have impact, up to 10 accounts are included in the price!
Please note: The invoice will show the price + VAT.

Amazing value!
"I really liked how many practical ideas and suggestions there were. I think there were loads of 'take aways' that staff could pick up and start doing - I liked the resources that span more than one year group idea too. It was also good to see real life examples of pupil work."